The Saga of SADEQUAIN, Volume I – Biography
Most authoritative, most comprehensive, and most definitive, The Saga of SADEQUAIN, a two-volumes-in-a-hard-case book represents five years of exhaustive research on Sadequain’s life and to locate Sadequain’s work scattered around the world. The two volumes of the book, over 800 pages, over 500 pieces of artwork – many done while Sadequain was residing overseas – coffee table magnum opus is the crown jewel among the more than one dozen books published by the SADEQUAIN Foundation.
The Saga of SADEQUAIN, Volume I – Biography is based upon statements of fact about Sadequain’s life and work and a window to his private self, perhaps in a manner that has not been presented before. The Volume II is a collection of over 500 pieces of artwork, a good number of them done while Sadequain resided in Paris, France.
The Saga of SADEQUAIN, Volume I – Biography provides factual material that may influence a reader’s bias or alter his perceptions about Sadequain and his work. The focus of this volume is on the anecdotes, facts, impressions, lifestyle, and personal experiences based upon intimate knowledge about Sadequain and his life. It is an attempt to explore his life from childhood, through the adolescence years, his emergence as a young artist and then his meteoric rise to stardom, tracing his journey through the maze of trials and tribulations until the final episode under the monumental ceiling mural at the Frere Hall. He died before he could finish the stupendous ceiling mural, a sign of exclamation, a divine gesture, and a reminder that Sadequain is not finished yet.
Most of the source material of this volume is based on personal experiences, family stories, newspaper and magazine articles and interviews with artists, writers, art historians and critics, and most importantly, five of Sadequain’s own manuscripts detailing his early life, his views on Indian Art, his travel log, his letters, and his prologue to the collection of his rubaiyyat.
This book is a humble attempt by the SADEQUAIN Foundation to preserve Sadequain’s legacy for generations to come.